Tips on how to fit shoes

Tips on how to fit shoes

  • Always try both shoes on, even if you know which foot is larger, you really want to have the footwear on both feet as it will feel different and sit differently on each foot. Also have you ever tried on a high heel when you had a sneaker on the other foot and then done the "bob-hop" around the shop?
  • Always buy the shoes that fit your larger foot. You can always make a shoe fit better with heel grips and insoles but if a shoe is too short or too tight it will always be both these things and will cause more "bob-hop" but this time through pain.
  • I love high heels but ladies if you are going to be walking a long distance, wear a pair of flats or sneakers and change over at your destination.
  • There needs to be room for your toes, they should not feel cramped and in sports shoes you should be able to wiggly them up and down and side to side, let's call this one the toe dance ;-)
  • Try to select footwear that is shaped like your foot, if you have bunions, select footwear that has a nice supple or soft leather upper, so that it will stretch over this area.
  • Your heel should fit comfortably in the shoe with a minimum amount of slipping - the shoes should not ride up and down on your heel when you walk.
  • Walk around in the shoes, spend a few minutes in them - you will know pretty quickly if they are not right for you, as there will be pressure/pain or more "bob-hop"
  • Buy shoes with padded insoles and good out soles. These take the impact away from your joints.
  • Your foot bed should not be wider than the shoe, there should be no spill out, spill over, or ballet flats that do not cover the tops of your feet at all.
  • If you are selecting footwear and the ones you "love" don't fit correctly and the ones you "like" do, buy the ones you "like" your feet will "love" you forever!